A strange name for a strange NES clone. A transportable, hand-held
clone without built-in screen.
I found and bought it (for a very small sum of money) used in a small
second-hand market in Italy. I don't know much of it. BTW it is a
full working NES clone. Nothing more, nothing less.
The front of the unit. Since it is an hand-held unit all
button are easily recognizable on the unit itself. From left you can
see: the four directional buttons (they are independent, not
connected each other), reset, select, start, four fire buttons (two
A's buttons and two B's buttons). The power indicator (a red led) is
on the upper right of the system.
Under the unit. On the upper left of the system there is a
connector for a second pad (9 din Atari-type connector, not the usual
NES joypad connector). On the right there is the battery compartiment
to use the system without an AC adaptor. It uses 3 AA batteries. Note
the cartridge connector (72 pins) and the cartridge eject button
under the before-mentioned connector.
An "air view" of the unit. Other than the cartridge port there
are three RCA-type connectors: (from the left) RF output, Video
output, Audio output (mono).
The bottom of the unit. Here we could find the AC adaptor
connector and the on/off power button.. The cartridge eject button is
easily visible in the center of the unit.
Here is a pic of the box in which the system came. As far as I
know "Game Link" is the name of the company that made the unit and
"Super Hand Game" is the name of the unit itself. Also on the box
there is the model number (Model No. TK-2010). This unit was made in
I never saw this clone on the market and so I suspect it was bought
outside Italy... anyway no proofs...
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