Strangely enough (since it is the best GB model so far) this model
is not well known and only a few have bought it.
This model is (officially...) only available in Japan (where it was
realeased in April '98) and it has one interesting optional: a
backlit screen! A green/blue light under the screen let you play your
games without external lights!
Two colors are available: Gold (shown above) and Silver.
Dimensions are between the original Game Boy and the later Game Boy Pocket version. It uses 2 AA batteries to operate for nearly 15 hours.
Note the presence of a three-position switch:
The Game Boy Light should not be confused with an accessory made
by Vic Tokai and called Light Game Boy: it was a Light/Magnifier
optional marketed in Japan and USA during the early life of the Game
Boy (it was compatible only with the first model of the GB, not with
the Pocket version).
Game Boy Light is not very easy to find but neither impossible: in
Europe several well known gray importers (from UK, France, Italy) are
actually distributing it in good numbers. I don't have enough datas
about North American markets, anyway there were a lot of ad-postings
in related newsgroups. I think NCS is importing the system in US but
I could be wrong...
Since the system was soon discontinued (it was produced for only a
couple of months by NCL) it is a very important piece of hardware.
One day will be a hot system!
Here are all (with a 90% confidence) the color in which recent
Nintendo systems (together with the most important accessories and
games) were marketed:
Blue Green Yellow Red Black Clear |
Silver with black screen frame (contour) Silver (Fiorentina Limited Edition released only in Italy by Nintendo distributor Gig Electronics. At the time Gig was sponsor of the soccer club Fiorentina) Blue Green Yellow Red Black Clear Pink (at first available only in Japan and in two versions: Tamagotchi Pack-in and Hello Kitty Pack-in. Now widely distribute in US and Europe) Pink Tamagotchi Edition (Limited edition for Japan only) Pink Hello Kitty Edition (Limited Edition for Japan only) Purple clear (Japanese-only Limited Edition) Ice Blue (US-only Limited Edition) Gold (Japanese Limited Edition) Gold (US Nintendo Power Limited Edition with an NP logo on it) Gold (US Toys R US Limited Edition) White (Prototype only (?), I'll add a pic of it soon!) Extreme Green (Clear, sold only at Toys R Us in USA) Game Boy Pocket Clear (Famitsu Special Edition Model # MGB-001 F-01; it has the following buttons colors: Black Direction Pad, Purple "A & B" Buttons, Gray "Start & Select" Buttons) Glow-in-the-dark model (This special edition that actually glows in the dark, was a price for a contest held by Imagineer and based on the N64 game MRC - Multi Racing Championship. It seems also that there was another similar model that was a Tokyo Game Show exclusive). See also a pic of the box here. |
Gold Yellow Pokemon Edition (Pokemon edition sold only in Pokemon Center). See another pic of it here. Clear (Astro Boy edition) Red clear (Astro Boy Edition) Game Boy Light Clear (Famitsu Special Edition Model # MGB 101 F-02; it has All White Buttons) Clear Yellow |
Blue (another pic of it alone here) Red Yellow Clear Purple (another pic of it alone here) Clear Tommy Hilfiger Edition (with TH logo, limited edition sold only in TH shops for $57.50 with a $50 clothes purchase) Pokemon Yellow Edition (US Release only. Special edition packed with Pokemon Yellow Edition cartridge and sold for $109.95 from October 25, 1999) Mario Limited Edition (Japan-only limited edition released in conjunction with a japanese department store's 30th anniversary. They had to be pre ordered in a one-week period and they weren't sold without this pre order). See also a pic of the box here. |
Red Yellow Green Purple clear (Japanese-only Limited (?) Edition) Zelda GB Camera (US-only Limited Edition. Produced for Nintendo Power, it has new Zelda art) |
Yellow (Japanese-only Limited (?) Edition. It is a Pokemon Pikachu promotional item with a pic of Pikachu on it. This was probably sold only in Pokemon Stores. The feed button is a mimic of a Pokeball and is not purple.) Blue (a reader mentioned it) Red (? not sure) |
Donkey Kong Land is a yellow cartridge (still I don't know if it was a Limited Edition cartridge or a US-only Edition). US Pokemon games are sold in a blue cartridge (Pokemon Blue) and in a red cartridge (Pokemon Red). I don't know if there are Japanese-only cartridges (in particular Pokemon cartridges) available in other colors. For sure Red and Green Pocket Monsters cards are gray. Most US and European GBC carts are black. Two carts (until now) have a built-in rumble feature: Pokemon Pinball and Top Gear Rally. |
Gold (limited edition) Clear Purple Clear Green Clear Orange Clear Black Clear Blue Blue Pikachu Edition Red Pikachu Edition |
Black Blue Yellow Red Green Black and Gray (limited edition sold together with the Japanese version of Mario Kart 64) Gold (limited edition) Clear Purple (at first limited edition only) Clear Green Clear Orange Clear Black Clear Blue |
Black (Turok 2) Gold (Zelda 64) Yellow (Donkey Kong 64) |
Yellow (sold with Donkey Kong 64) |